About us

Our Story

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Established in 2001:
Continuing Dr. Montessori's Legacy

Although we opened our doors in Belmont Greene in 2001, Our roots go back to 1976, when our founder, Beth Theriot, like many parents at that time, had to work hard to find Montessori. She was inspired from the first moment and spent the next several years learning all she could about this relatively unknown pedagogy created by Dr. Maria Montessori in Italy in 1907.

Beth enrolled her children in a small Montessori school in Herndon and completed the AMS Montessori Early Childhood Certification within a few years. Along the way, she grew to understand the unique benefits of the Montessori classroom and was surprised to find that this philosophy worked just as well at home with her children. She didn’t know it then, but her choice to share Montessori with her family planted the seed for what MAB is today.

Her middle child, Bart Theriot, was raised as a Montessori child along with his two siblings. As MAB’s Head of School and Co-founder, Bart will tell you that those first years of life ensured that he would one day return to Montessori.

Even Beth’s husband, Larry Theriot, founding teacher and curriculum advisor of our elementary program, was not immune to Montessori’s draw. Though he had spent a long career as an economist, when the opportunity came for a change, Mr. T jumped in with both feet. Within
just a few years of MAB’s first day, he would go on to earn both the upper and lower AMS elementary certificates. He still spends most of the school year working with the elementary students.

Beth’s years of experience gave her a vision of what Montessori could be. Her devotion to children and undeniable passion for this type of education empowered her with the confidence to set out on her own to the small but rapidly growing town of Ashburn, Virginia. Thus, in 2001,
the Montessori Academy at Belmont Greene had begun.

Beth has always understood the importance of building and retaining a closely connected faculty who share a devotion to children and a shared philosophy of Montessori as a way of life. One by one, each teacher who joined us in those first years adopted the same goal of sticking together and growing as a family. We knew individually and collectively that this was, and is, the key to authentic Montessori and ensures the best for all students.

Jill Theriot, Bart’s wife, joined MAB in 2002 and received her AMI Certification in 2003. Bart went on to receive his AMS Early Childhood Certification in 2009. Beth continued as a lead teacher until 2014, when she stepped back from the classroom to focus on teacher mentoring and working individually with children with learning differences. Over the last five years, Jill and Bart, with irreplaceable support and collaboration from the same faculty who built this school from the ground up, assumed the roles of owners, teachers, and administrators.
They are responsible for MAB’s fidelity to the Montessori method and the continuation of Beth’s legacy.

That first Montessori classroom visit over 40 years ago sparked a flame that still burns brightly in the Theriot family, the extended MAB family’s faculty members, and every child who has come through our doors since 2001. It has been our distinct privilege to serve the families of Loudoun County for so long and we look forward to being there for generations to come.



At MAB, we foster an inclusive environment where every student is valued and encouraged to thrive.


We empower students with responsibility through hands-on learning experiences and opportunities for self-directed exploration.


Montessori Academy cultivates respectfulness through a holistic approach, fostering empathy, mindfulness, and collaboration, ensuring every child learns to value and appreciate others.


Collaboration is woven into the fabric of learning, as students engage in peer-to-peer interactions, group projects, and community-based initiatives, fostering teamwork and collective problem-solving skills.

What parents say
“I went to MAB from the age of 3 through 1st grade. One of the things I liked best about MAB was the way the older children taught the younger ones. This instilled confidence in me and built my leadership and communication skills. These skills helped me when I was my high school’s Sophomore Class President and now as I serve in student government in college and as an Ambassador for the Computer Science Department at Clemson University.”
Former MAB Student, Elliott Jordan

Elevating the Standard of Early Childhood Education

Montessori Academy will take your child's education to another level
with personalized guidance at every step.