
From Netflix to Depression Part II (Dopamine)– By Bart Theriot

Continuing on our journey from Netflix to depression, we have identified the path. Every child is on it. Even though they don\’t usually walk before 12 months old, most children take their first steps along this pathway soon after birth. Knowing where you and your child fall along it is a very important first step for everyone. In Part

From Netflix to Depression Part II (Dopamine)– By Bart Theriot Read More »

From Netflix To Depression Part I (The Path)– By Bart Theriot

Our children’s mental health is in a state of increasing crisis. This isn’t just some sensationalized weather forecast warning of the approaching “Stormzilla,” which in reality turns out to be nothing more than a few snow flurries. This is real. In 2021, according to the Youth Risk Behavior Survey, a long-term study updated annually by

From Netflix To Depression Part I (The Path)– By Bart Theriot Read More »

Unintentional Parenting Patterns That Lead Down the Road to Nowhere — By Bart Theriot

Over 20 years of working with parents in Montessori, teachers come across recurring patterns in both child and parent behavior.  Some of these patterns lead to such challenging situations that we end up spending a great deal of time and effort helping to reverse them.  Sometimes we are successful, sometimes we are not. One thing

Unintentional Parenting Patterns That Lead Down the Road to Nowhere — By Bart Theriot Read More »